Monday, November 24, 2008

Did you know about this???? It is bad..

Hello all. O.K. This right my hubby. :) Cutie pie! But..he is nicked named Mc'Gary! He is off to you know get you know what more than once a week, sometimes up to 4, which at our age..over 40, without ANY form of exercise, is bad enough, but then he tells me that he read a wonderfully honest sign they had posted. It read, and I cannot quote EXACT wording, but it went something like this..due to the process in which we cook our fries, they become carcinogenic! That means CANCER CAUSING!!
Apparently, when you brown a potato, it does something to it to make it so. It does not matter how you cook long as you take it to the point of making it brown, be it slightly, or golden, you have done it. :P

So..I know you are probably saying " ya but if it is not the browning potato's it is the ......!" but I feel a bit more concerned about this one.
I have eaten soooooo many fries, fast food and home, potatoes that I have made into patties, hash browns..think about it. Yikes!!

Just thought I would send that out there, in case you did not know that.


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