Monday, December 8, 2008

O.K. I have been tagged by my great wise little sunshine Chelsi on the topic '6 things about me'
So here goes ! These are in no kind of important, count down kind of order ;D

1. I HATE to get into trouble!!! At the first sign, scent, vibe, what ever..of trouble that is going to be directed at me..ooooooohhh...I feel that feeling in my bladder like I am gonna peee! And the one in my tummy like ..the bad kind of butterflies! I will run away rather than get into trouble. I will make cookies and bring home black forest cake and make my hair really pretty I do not get into what ever trouble I think might be stewing ;P Soooo silly I know but..??

2. I love to munch on stuff when I read or watch is like I cannot enjoy either without popping something into my mouth ..sugary usually! Chelsi nailed my fav..Chocolate mints!!
I suffer horribly though after as I break out from sugar in a weird rash on my body. :( Sometimes...well alot of times I just do it ANYWAY..HAHAHAHAAAA!!!

3. I have a stubborn -I can do it better than any boy- streak in me and it is bugging me that I don't get to prove it very often anymore!! :(

4. I cannot seem to throw away those annoying underwear that have NEVER fit !! You bring them home..and they just do not fit !!! But because they are new..I just cannot do it!! So I go and buy some more..again..most of the time they do not fit and now I have a huge collection of new undies that do not fit taking up so much space !! AND they always discontinue the kind that I finally find that DO fit!! GGGGRRRrr!!

5. I use mens deodorant ;D

6. I AM BIGGER THAN MY BODY GIVES ME CREDIT long as I am not in trouble!!